import eprog.*;

 * state machine
 * @author Peter Schueller
class StateMachine {
	 * generic state of state machine
	public abstract class State {
		 * get input oInput at status oData from this state and return next state index
		 * @param oInput the input which triggers the transition
		 * @param oData the data which stores additional information of the state machine
		 * @return int: index of new state
		public abstract int doTransition( Object oInput, Object oData );
		 * code to be executed at entering this state
		 * @param oInput input which triggered the transition which triggered entering this state
		 * @param oData additional information of the state machine
		public void enterState( Object oInput, Object oData ) { }
		 * code to be executed at leaving his state
		 * @param oInput input which triggered the transition which triggered exiting this state
		 * @param oData additional information of the state machine
		public void exitState( Object oInput, Object oData ) { }

		 * true if this state is a stop-state, else false
		public final boolean bIsStopState = false;

	 * states of this state machine (static to enable multiple state machines of this type while saving memory)
	protected static State[] sStates = null;

	 * index of current state of state machine, always starts at index 0
	protected int iActiveState;

	 * additional information stored in the state machine and passed to the state transition functions
	protected Object oData;

	 * constructor
	public StateMachine() {
		iActiveState = 0;
		if( sStates != null )
			sStates[0].enterState( null, null );
	 * process input to state-machine:
	 * *) calculate transition
	 * *) execute transition functions if needed
	 * @param oInput input object of this state machine which has to processed
	 * @return int: index of state which was entered after processing the input
	public int processInput( Object oInput ) {
		//check if the machine has stopped
		if( sStates[iActiveState].bIsStopState )
			return -1;
		//process input with current state
		int iNextState = sStates[iActiveState].doTransition( oInput, oData );

		//if state has changed, do enter and exit procedures
		if( iActiveState != iNextState ) {
			sStates[iActiveState].exitState( oInput, oData );
			sStates[iNextState].enterState( oInput, oData );
			iActiveState = iNextState;

		return iActiveState;

	 * stop-detection
	 * @return true if machine has entered a stop-state, else false
	public boolean hasStopped() {
		return sStates[iActiveState].bIsStopState;
	 * get status data
	 * @return Object: additional information of state machine
	public Object getData() {
		return oData;

 * main class
 * @author Peter Schueller mail:
public class dekomp extends EprogIO {
	 * special state machine for decoding run-length-compressed strings
	protected static class dekompStateMachine extends StateMachine {
		 * initial state
		public static final byte START = 0;
		 * state in single mode
		public static final byte SINGLE = 1;
		 * state after occurence of ' in single mode
		public static final byte MULTI_START = 2;
		 * multi mode, waiting for multiplication digit
		public static final byte MULTI_WAITDIGIT = 3;
		 * multi mode, waiting for next character to multiply
		public static final byte MULTI_WAITCHAR = 4;
		 * multi mode, ' was received, waiting for '(multiply ') or for character (exit multi mode, print char)
		public static final byte MULTI_LEAVE = 5;
		 * error state (final state)
		public static final byte ERROR = 6;
		 * storage class for state-machine input storage
		protected static class smInput {
			 * input was '
			public static final byte HYPHEN = 0;
			 * input was a digit, number is stored in iInfo
			public static final byte DIGIT = 1;
			 * input was a character which is stored in cInfo
			public static final byte CHAR = 2;
			 * type of input: hyphen / digit / character
			public byte iType;
			 * character which was entered
			public char cInfo;
			 * number information which was entered
			public int iInfo;

			 * constructor: decodes input and calculates type
			 * @param cInput input character which has to be represented by this class
			public smInput( char cInput ) {
				if( "0123456789".indexOf( cInput ) != -1 ) {
					iInfo = (int)( cInput - '0' );
					iType = DIGIT;
				} else if( cInput == '\'' ) {
					iType = HYPHEN;
				//everything else
				} else {
					cInfo = cInput;
					iType = CHAR;

		 * storage class for state-machine status storage
		protected static class smData {
			 * active decoded string
			public String s;
			 * last character which was entered
			public char lastChar;

			 * constructor
			public smData() {
				s = "";
				lastChar = (char)-1;
		 * constructor for this state machine
		 * builds states
		public dekompStateMachine() {
			oData = new smData();
			//initialise the states of this special state machine
			//but only if sStates was not initialised before (static)
			if( sStates == null ) {
				sStates = new State[] {
					//state 0: start
					//' -> goto multi mode start, character -> print, goto single mode
					new State() {
						public int doTransition( Object oInput, Object oData ) {
							smInput i = (smInput)oInput;
							smData d = (smData)oData;
							switch( i.iType ) {
							case smInput.HYPHEN:
								return MULTI_START;
							case smInput.CHAR:
								d.s += i.cInfo;
								return SINGLE;
								return ERROR;
					//state 1: single (same as state 0, but cleaner if start state is visited only once)
					//' -> goto multi mode start, character -> print, goto single mode
					new State() {
						public int doTransition( Object oInput, Object oData ) {
							smInput i = (smInput)oInput;
							smData d = (smData)oData;
							switch( i.iType ) {
							case smInput.HYPHEN:
								return MULTI_START;
							case smInput.CHAR:
								d.s += i.cInfo;
								return SINGLE;
								return ERROR;
					//state 2: multi_start
					//' -> print ', stay in single mode, character -> save char in data, goto multi mode wait for digit
					new State() {
						public int doTransition( Object oInput, Object oData ) {
							smInput i = (smInput)oInput;
							smData d = (smData)oData;
							switch( i.iType ) {
							case smInput.HYPHEN:
								d.s += '\'';
								return SINGLE;
							case smInput.CHAR:
								d.lastChar = i.cInfo;
								return MULTI_WAITDIGIT;
								return ERROR;
					//state 3: multi_waitdigit
					//digit -> add digit times saved character to string and goto multi mode wait char mode
					new State() {
						public int doTransition( Object oInput, Object oData ) {
							smInput i = (smInput)oInput;
							smData d = (smData)oData;
							switch( i.iType ) {
							case smInput.DIGIT:
								for( int j = 0; j < i.iInfo; j++ )
									d.s += d.lastChar;
								return MULTI_WAITCHAR;
								return ERROR;
					//state 4: multi_waitchar
					//' -> goto multi mode leave state, character -> store character, goto multi mode wait digit state
					new State() {
						public int doTransition( Object oInput, Object oData ) {
							smInput i = (smInput)oInput;
							smData d = (smData)oData;
							switch( i.iType ) {
							case smInput.HYPHEN:
								return MULTI_LEAVE;
							case smInput.CHAR:
								d.lastChar = i.cInfo;
								return MULTI_WAITDIGIT;
								return ERROR;
					//state 5: multi_leave
					//' -> save ' as last char and goto multi mode wait digit state (-> allows ' to be printed multliply), character -> leave multi mode, goto single mode, print input character
					new State() {
						public int doTransition( Object oInput, Object oData ) {
							smInput i = (smInput)oInput;
							smData d = (smData)oData;
							switch( i.iType ) {
							case smInput.HYPHEN:
								d.lastChar = '\'';
								return MULTI_WAITDIGIT;
							case smInput.CHAR:
								d.s += i.cInfo;
								return SINGLE;
								return ERROR;
					//state 6: error
					//stay there
					new State() {
						public final boolean bIsStopState = true;
						public int doTransition( Object oInput, Object oData ) {
							return ERROR;
				}; // sStates[] =
			} //if
		} //constructor StateMachine
	} //class state machine
	 * decompression function
	 * state-machine for decoding
	 * @param sInput String: input string
	 * @return String with decoded sInput-string or null if error
	public static String decodeString( String sInput ) {
		dekompStateMachine SM = new dekompStateMachine();

		int i;
		int iLastState = dekompStateMachine.ERROR;

		//process input in state machine
		for( i = 0; i < sInput.length(); i++ )
			iLastState = SM.processInput( new dekompStateMachine.smInput( sInput.charAt(i) ) );

		//only return sucess if end state was not waiting for something special or was an error
		switch( iLastState ) {
		case dekompStateMachine.SINGLE:
		case dekompStateMachine.MULTI_START:
		case dekompStateMachine.MULTI_WAITCHAR:
		case dekompStateMachine.MULTI_LEAVE:
			return ((dekompStateMachine.smData)SM.getData()).s;
			return null;
	 * main program function
	 * *) reads input
	 * *) checks input for simple errors
	 * *) if errors return error
	 * *) else
	 *  *) calculates output and returns output
	 *  *) or returns error if calculation returned error
	 * @param args String[]: command line parameters
	public static void main( String[] args ) {
		String sInput = readWord();
		String sOutput = null;
		boolean bError = false;

		//simple error: length error
		if( sInput.length() > 30 || sInput.length() < 1 )
			bError = true;
		else {
			//no length error -> try calculation
			sOutput = decodeString( sInput );
			if( sOutput == null )
				bError = true;
		if( bError )
			println( "FALSCHE EINGABE" );
			println( sOutput );