/** Eprog Bsp. 1072, leicht **/ /** By Ernst Schwartz **/ /** MatNr. 0004444 **/ /** Ernst_Schwartz@gmx.at **/ /*****************************/ import eprog.*; public class gehalt extends EprogIO { public static void main (String args[]) { int i = 0; float[] temp_input = new float[10]; try { do { temp_input[i] = readFloat(); if (temp_input[i] < 0) break; if (temp_input[i] > 1) { println("FALSCHE EINGABE"); System.exit(0); } i++; } while(i < 11); } catch(IndexOutOfBoundsException O) { println("?"); System.exit(0); } catch(EprogException e) { println("?"); System.exit(0); } float[] input = new float[i]; double[] output = new double[i]; for(i = 0; i<input.length; i++) { input[i] = temp_input[i]; double k = 1/input[i]; output[i] = ( Math.log(k) / Math.log(2) ); if(i==0) printFixed(output[i]); else { print(" "); printFixed(output[i]); } } } // end of main method } // end of gehalt class